Load Dependencies

caps command is used for downloading dependencies declared in package.cirru. The name "caps" stands for "Calcit Dependencies".

package.cirru declares dependencies, which correspond to repositories on GitHub. Specify a branch or a tag:

  :dependencies $ {}
    |calcit-lang/memof |0.0.11
    |calcit-lang/lilac |main

Run caps to download. Sources are downloaded into ~/.config/calcit/modules/. If a module contains build.sh, it will be executed mostly for compiling Rust dylibs.

To load modules, use :modules configuration in calcit.cirru and compact.cirru:

:configs $ {}
  :modules $ [] |memof/compact.cirru |lilac/

Paths defined in :modules field are just loaded as files from ~/.config/calcit/modules/, i.e. ~/.config/calcit/modules/memof/compact.cirru.

Modules that ends with /s are automatically suffixed compact.cirru since it's the default filename.

CLI Options

=>> caps --help
Calcit Deps 0.6.23
Jon. <jiyinyiyong@gmail.com>
Calcit Deps

    caps [OPTIONS] [input]

    <input>    entry file path [default: package.cirru]

        --ci             CI mode loads shallow repo via HTTPS
    -h, --help           Print help information
        --local-debug    Debug mode, clone to test-modules/
        --pull-branch    pull branch in the repo
    -v, --verbose        verbose mode
    -V, --version        Print version information
  • "pull branch" to fetch update if only branch name is specified like main.
  • "ci" does not support git@ protocol, only https:// protocol.