Like Clojure, Calcit uses macros to support new syntax. And macros ared evaluated during building to expand syntax tree. A defmacro
block returns list and symbols, as well as literals:
defmacro noted (x0 & xs)
if (empty? xs) x0
last xs
A normal way to use macro is to use quasiquote
paired with ~x
and ~@xs
to insert one or a span of items. Also notice that ~x
is internally expanded to (~ x)
, so you can also use (~ x)
and (~@ xs)
as well:
defmacro if-not (condition true-branch ? false-branch)
quasiquote $ if ~condition ~false-branch ~true-branch
To create new variables inside macro definitions, use (gensym)
or (gensym |name)
defmacro case (item default & patterns)
v (gensym |v)
&let (~v ~item)
&case ~v ~default ~@patterns
Calcit was not designed to be identical to Clojure, so there are many details here and there.
Debug Macros
use macroexpand-all
for debugging:
$ cr eval 'println $ format-to-cirru $ macroexpand-all $ quote $ let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b)'
&let (a 1)
&let (b 2)
+ a b
and format-to-lisp
are 2 custom code formatters:
$ cr eval 'println $ format-to-lisp $ macroexpand-all $ quote $ let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b)'
(&let (a 1) (&let (b 2) (+ a b)))
The syntax macroexpand
only expand syntax tree once:
$ cr eval 'println $ format-to-cirru $ macroexpand $ quote $ let ((a 1) (b 2)) (+ a b)'
&let (a 1)
b 2
+ a b