
By default Calcit reads :init-fn and :reload-fn inside compact.cirru configs. You may also specify functions,

cr compact.cirru --init-fn='app.main/main!' --reload-fn='app.main/reload!'

and even configure :entries in compact.cirru:

cr compact.cirru --entry server

Here's an example, first lines of a compact.cirru file may look like:

{} (:package |app) :configs $ {} (:init-fn |app.client/main!) (:reload-fn |app.client/reload!) (:version |0.0.1) :modules $ [] |respo.calcit/ |lilac/ |recollect/ |memof/ |respo-ui.calcit/ |ws-edn.calcit/ |cumulo-util.calcit/ |respo-message.calcit/ |cumulo-reel.calcit/ :entries $ {} :server $ {} (:init-fn |app.server/main!) (:port 6001) (:reload-fn |app.server/reload!) (:storage-key |calcit.cirru) :modules $ [] |lilac/ |recollect/ |memof/ |ws-edn.calcit/ |cumulo-util.calcit/ |cumulo-reel.calcit/ |calcit-wss/ |calcit.std/ :files $ {}

There is base configs attached with :configs, with :init-fn :reload-fn defined, which is the inital entry of the program.

Then there is :entries with :server entry defined, which is another entry of the program. It has its own :init-fn :reload-fn and :modules options. And to invoke it, you may use --entry server option.