Usage: cr [<input>] [-1] [--disable-stack] [--skip-arity-check] [--emit-path <emit-path>] [--init-fn <init-fn>] [--reload-fn <reload-fn>] [--entry <entry>] [--reload-libs] [--watch-dir <watch-dir>] [<command>] [<args>]
Top-level command.
Positional Arguments:
input input source file, defaults to "compact.cirru"
-1, --once skip watching mode, just run once
--disable-stack disable stack trace for errors
skip arity check in js codegen
--emit-path entry file path, defaults to "js-out/"
--init-fn specify `init_fn` which is main function
--reload-fn specify `reload_fn` which is called after hot reload
--entry specify with config entry
--reload-libs force reloading libs data during code reload
--watch-dir specify a path to watch assets changes
--help display usage information
js emit JavaScript rather than interpreting
ir emit Cirru EDN representation of program to program-ir.cirru
eval run program